Het Kleinste Huis

Tea Shop The Smallest House

Tea shop The Smallest House offers a premium collection of over 200 unique loose teas online. From Amsterdam's smallest house, we share our passion for rare and classic teas, each with a unique story and superior quality.
tea tea subscription tea tasting
814 customer reviews
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  • A Christensen
    Verified customer of Het Kleinste Huis

    Everything is so good, I plan to order again and again!

    One suggestion. My package came across the pond, and either the airlines or the postal service crushed the box before it arrived (at least nothing was missing). Maybe you could consider offering extra strength packaging for a small additional fee? I would pay it just to make sure I get all of my delicious smelling and tasting tea! Thanks!

  • Leah
    Verified customer of Het Kleinste Huis


  • How do you rate Het Kleinste Huis?

    How do you rate this webshop?
  • Rebekka Malz
    Verified customer of Het Kleinste Huis

    Delicious tea, fast shipping and a great no-nonsense packaging.

  • A Brit in NL
    Verified customer of Het Kleinste Huis

    Amazing place with a wonderful selection of proper tea.

  • Gokhan Sobay
    Verified customer of Het Kleinste Huis

    All teas are amazing, we already recommend your products to our friends :) Thank you for your organic products.

  • Marjan
    Verified customer of Het Kleinste Huis

    Snelle levering, goede kwaliteit

  • Dorine Schoen
    Verified customer of Het Kleinste Huis

    Snelle levering en heel erg leuk dat je een persoonlijk bedankje krijgt! Plus een klein cadeautje…