Paulie Pocket

Paulie Pocket

Our love for statement earrings has grown into a collection full of diversity. At Paulie Pocket women empowerment is key! Our designs are handmade by 150 ladies in the atelier in South America. These ladies don't get a fair chance in society, but they do with us! They generate their own income and become part of a community where they can stand up for each other. We contribute to a world in which women can be confident and independent.
1.440 customer reviews
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  • Burcak
    Verified customer of Paulie Pocket

    very elegant and good quality products

    Reply from Paulie Pocket

    Dear Burcak, thank you so much for your positive review! Kind regards, Team Paulie Pocket

  • Caroline
    Verified customer of Paulie Pocket

    Great product, love the scarves

    Reply from Paulie Pocket

    Dear Caroline, thanks for your review! Kind regards, Team Paulie Pocket

  • How do you rate Paulie Pocket?

    How do you rate this webshop?
  • Cherene Kruger
    Verified customer of Paulie Pocket

    Amazing service and excellent products. Teddy is fantastic!

    Reply from Paulie Pocket

    Dear Cherene, thanks you so much for your positive review! Kind regards, Team Paulie Pocket

  • Marleen
    Verified customer of Paulie Pocket

    Ik ben heel blij met de oorbellen! Ze zijn precies zoals op de foto en werden snel geleverd.

    Reply from Paulie Pocket

    Beste Marleen, wat fijn om te horen! Groet, Team Paulie Pocket

  • Cherene Kruger
    Verified customer of Paulie Pocket

    Amazing earrings and amazing service!

    Reply from Paulie Pocket

    Dear Cherene, thanks for your positive review. Enjoy your earrings! best regards, Team Paulie Pocket

  • Antonia Rubic
    Verified customer of Paulie Pocket

    Bad customer service, bad products, price quality value low

    Reply from Paulie Pocket

    Dear Antonia, we have already spoken to each other by email and we explained to you that our sample sale items cannot be returned. If an earring breaks, our customers have a 6-month free warranty, so a suitable solution is always looked for. If so, you can email us to . Best regards, Team Paulie Pocket

  • Birgitte Bouman
    Verified customer of Paulie Pocket

    Mooie oorbellen, snelle service

    Reply from Paulie Pocket

    Beste Birgitte, dank voor review! Groetjes, Team Paulie Pocket

  • Olga Randmäe
    Verified customer of Paulie Pocket
